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赵克的热点新闻周报 第7期 2011/12/19

作者:   分类:生活随笔及其他     浏览:2066次   回复:0次  
发表时间:2011-12-19 18:54:19

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第7期 2011/12/19
最近在电视看到南开与复旦招收新生要脱离联招,改为独立处理,考虑中学校长的推荐信。我以为中国的教育制度开始大手革新,大喜,但细读一位同学传来的有关资料,认为算不上是重要的改革。我对大学收生应该怎样衡量有自己的看法,写出来给大家考虑吧。 我要把大学可以获取的学生数据的重要性排列,分五项,由最可靠到最不可靠。如果不管费用或成本,当然五项皆用,但重量的分布还是要排列的。 (一)最重要的数据是中学老师的推荐信。不是中学校长的推荐信,是教学生的老师写的,最好不通过校长室。老师亲自教导,是唯一可以判断一个学生是否可造之材的人。成绩不是那么重要,通常比不上一个学子的
12月13日报道 | 阅读全文
Portrait of Julius II - a Raphael case study
The reason that hidden things ought not to be communicated to everyone is that when these things are revealed, they seem to everyone to be discordantNicolas CusanusDe SapientaOn December 6 2011, the Städel Museum in Frankfurt announced its possesion of a workshop copy of Raphael&
12月14日报道 | 阅读全文
Fortuna returns to Italy
Fortuna © MiBAC The Italian Ministry of Culture has announced today that the North American healthcare company, Humana, based in Louisville, Kentucky, will be returning two Roman marble statues to Italy (press release, in Italian; "US company sends Italian statues home", AP Decem
12月15日报道 | 阅读全文
Still Dots #1
Second #62, 01:02 The “A” on The Third Man‘s official rating certificate is meant to stand for “Adult” and by 1949 no young people would be allowed into the theater, making The Third Man the British equivalent of an R rated movie. At the time there
12月14日报道 | 阅读全文
Centerpoints: Brazil, Eames, Musical Migration
• When in 1985, the film Brazil was held from distribution in North America by execs at Universal for being inappropriate, its director, Terry Gilliam, wrote a letter to studio head Sidney Sheinberg asking about its release — which he published as a full-page ad in Variety.
12月14日报道 | 阅读全文
GD:NIP #13: Metahaven’s Facestate
“We are interested in the ways in which Facebook and government, Facebook and employers, Facebook and friends, Facebook and enemies constitute a power arrangement, and the way in which this constellation might influence politics, currency, and the social contract.” So says Metaha
12月14日报道 | 阅读全文
cortege: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
cortege: a procession, especially a ceremonial one.
12月13日报道 | 阅读全文
cleave: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
cleave: to adhere closely; stick; cling.
12月14日报道 | 阅读全文
veriest: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
veriest: utmost; most complete.
12月15日报道 | 阅读全文
abrade: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
abrade: to scrape off.
12月16日报道 | 阅读全文
The Dead Sea Scrolls: A biblical blockbuster
IN 1947 a young Bedouin shepherd wandering the rocky Qumran plateau in what is now the West Bank stumbled upon a cave which looked as if no-one had entered it in years. His explorations yielded no treasures, to his dismay. He spotted a few clay jars filled with old parchments, bu
12月13日报道 | 阅读全文
Civic Humanism
[Revised entry by Athanasios Moulakis on December 13, 2011. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography] A variant of republicanism indicating active, participatory, patriotic citizenship as well as the ethos and educational ideal that goes with it. The term was coined in the context o
12月14日报道 | 阅读全文
[Revised entry by Damian Cox, Marguerite La Caze, and Michael Levine on December 12, 2011. Changes to: Bibliography] Integrity is one of the most important and oft-cited of virtue terms. It is also perhaps the most puzzling. For example, while it is sometimes used virtually syn
12月13日报道 | 阅读全文
18th Century French Aesthetics
[Revised entry by Jacques Morizot on December 14, 2011. Changes to: Bibliography] The birth of aesthetics as a field lies at the junction between Enlightenment ideals and the teachings of taste: reason is no longer seen as a truth system but increasingly as a faculty of testing
12月15日报道 | 阅读全文
Modal Fictionalism
[Revised entry by Daniel Nolan on December 13, 2011. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography] Questions about necessity (or what has to be, or what cannot be otherwise) and possibility (or what can be, or what could be otherwise) are questions about modality. Fictionalism is an app
12月14日报道 | 阅读全文
Disability: Definitions, Models, Experience
[New Entry by David Wasserman, Adrienne Asch, Jeffrey Blustein, and Daniel Putnam on December 16, 2011.] Philosophers have always lived among people who could not see, walk, or hear; who had limited mobility, comprehension or longevity, or chronic illnesses of various sorts. And
12月17日报道 | 阅读全文