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发表时间:2012-02-10 10:17:15

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第10期 2012/02/03
精實新聞 2012-01-31 17:37:09 記者 鄧寧 報導於1972年創辦美利達工業(9914),並以研發、製造高級自行車行銷全球的董事長曾鼎煌,已於昨(30)日凌晨安詳辭世,享年81歲(1932-2012)。美利達立即在今(31)日召開董事會改選董事長,會中一致無異議通過由現任總經理曾崧柱繼任董事長與總裁職位。美利達集團前董事長曾鼎煌在1972年創辦美利達自行車,並在90年代產業外移時設立深圳廠,開始進入產品與服務外包時代,接著又在1998年時於德國設立自行車研發中心,貼近歐洲主流市場;2001年時美利達再投資美國SBC品牌,獲取穩定的代工訂
1月31日报道 | 阅读全文
精實新聞 2012-02-01 11:14:45 記者 余美慧 報導中國指數研究院今日(2月1日)公布,大陸2012年1月百城住宅平均價格為每平米8793元(人民幣,下同),月減0.18%,為連續第五個月出現下降,整體降幅較去年12月的0.25%持續縮小。與去年12月相比,大陸1月百城住宅中,有39個城市價格上漲,月增2個;60個城市下跌,與12月相同;1個城市持平。1月住宅價格單月跌幅居前的十個城市為洛陽、鄂爾多斯、贛州、張家港、連雲港、廈門、台州、中山、邯鄲、東莞。中指院認為,今年元月適逢元旦和農曆春節兩個假期,房地產市場為傳統淡季,但由於庫存不
2月1日报道 | 阅读全文
2月1日报道 | 阅读全文
精實新聞 2012-01-30 11:36:32 記者 黃文章 報導烏克蘭農業分析機構《APK-Inform》網站報導,俄羅斯統計局公佈的初步數據顯示,2011年俄羅斯作物產量達到9,390萬噸,較嚴重受旱的上年度增加54.1%,平均單產則自每公頃18.3擔提高至22.4擔(每擔為100公斤)。俄羅斯統計局表示,2011年部分作物的產量有大幅增長,包括葵花籽產量增加80.1%,以及甜菜產量增加2.1倍;其中,葵花籽單產較上年度提高39.6%,收成面積也增加28.8%。統計局指出,2011年俄羅斯除稻米外的主要作物產量均較上年度增加。其中,小麥產量5,6
1月30日报道 | 阅读全文
1月30日报道 | 阅读全文
India Journal: Darsie Alexander at India Art Fair 2012
A reception at Blue Frog, Delhi Walker chief curator Darsie Alexander is in New Delhi for the India Art Fair. Read her earlier dispatch, on her visit to the studios of Bharti Kher and Subodh Gupta. The India Art Fair is now in day three, and the crowds have hardly subsided. Whil
1月29日报道 | 阅读全文
First China solo exhibition for cut paper artist Bovey Lee – picture feast
CHINESE PAPER ARTIST EXHIBITIONS “Bloom: Cut Paper by Bovey Lee” was on display from 13 to 16 January at the International Finance Centre in Shanghai. Presented by Hugo Boss, the exhibition contained a dozen of the artist’s recent works, showcasing her stunning
2月1日报道 | 阅读全文
Hong Kong Contemporary: Hotel art fair to piggyback ART HK 12
CONTEMPORARY ASIAN HOTEL ART FAIR ART MARKET Art Radar looks into Hong Kong Contemporary, a hotel art fair set to launch on 17 May 2012. The new art fair will run concurrently with the eagerly anticipated ART HK 12 in an effort to draw international collectors and visitors. A scr
2月1日报道 | 阅读全文
An orphan in the larger picture
I have been reflecting on the announcement of fragmentary Greek pots to Italy. And it strikes me that a fragment acquired by the J. Paul Getty Museum in 1984 and its relationship to other fragments of the same Athenian red-figured cup probably give us a clue. The significance li
1月28日报道 | 阅读全文
Planet Princeton Comments
Source: MiBAC Planet Princeton comments on the return ("Princeton University Returns Art to Italy", January 26, 2012). But what is more interesting is the response from Robert Steven Bianchi and I give a flavour here: The repatriation of these objects is absurd in the extreme ..
1月28日报道 | 阅读全文
birr: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
birr: force; energy; vigor.
1月28日报道 | 阅读全文
idoneous: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
idoneous: appropriate; fit; suitable; apt.
1月31日报道 | 阅读全文
hotchpot: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
hotchpot: the bringing together of shares or properties in order to divide them equally.
1月29日报道 | 阅读全文
neoterism: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
neoterism: an innovation in language, as a new word, term, or expression.
1月30日报道 | 阅读全文
doyenne: Dictionary.com Word of the Day
doyenne: a woman who is the senior member of a group, class, or profession.
2月1日报道 | 阅读全文
Spinoza's Physical Theory
[Revised entry by Richard Manning on January 30, 2012. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography] Spinoza's thought stands at an uneasy and volatile period in the development of physical theory. His physical science is largely Cartesian, both in content and rationalistic method. It i
1月31日报道 | 阅读全文
Plato on Rhetoric and Poetry
[Revised entry by Charles L. Griswold on January 30, 2012. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html] Plato's discussions of rhetoric and poetry are both extensive and influential. As in so many other cases, he sets the agenda for the subsequent tradition. And yet underst
1月31日报道 | 阅读全文
Bernard Bolzano
[Revised entry by Edgar Morscher on January 30, 2012. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, bolzano-logical-truth.html] Bernard Bolzano (1781 - 1848) was a Catholic priest, a professor of the doctrine of Catholic religion at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Prague,
1月31日报道 | 阅读全文